Economic council

The Municipal Council of Novi Grad Municipality was established in 2018 on the proposal of the Mayor, and adopted by the Municipal Assembly of Novi Grad. The Economic Council was formed as an advisory body of the Mayor with the aim to create more favorable conditions in the municipality of Novi Grad for the development of the economy and a better quality of life in general.


At the meetings of the Chamber of Commerce, all important issues for the city and the municipality are discussed, and most importantly:

1. Implementation of coordination and coordination between business entities and local self-government;

2. Adoption of conclusions, recommendations and opinions of importance for improving the business climate in the local community and notification of the same to the Mayor and the Municipal Assembly, with the proposal of appropriate measures within the competence of these bodies;

3. Participate in the development of strategies and other acts defining the objectives and measures for the improvement of local economic development;

4. Launch initiatives to improve the business environment and eliminate administrative barriers;

5. Monitoring and participation in activities to promote the economic potential of the municipality;

6. Making proposals for improvement of the work of the Municipal administration of the municipality, public companies, institutions, organizations and services founded by the Municipality of Novi Grad, in order to improve the conditions for employment in the municipality;

7. Consideration and other issues that include measures and activities for creating better business conditions.


In addition to these, at the Council sessions, many other topics are also being considered when the need arises for them.