
Public Institution Nature Park “Una”, Novi Grad Address: Kej Vojvode Stepe no. 23, 79220 Novi Grad Phone: 066/349-660 Email: parkprirodeuna@yahoo.com Website: www.parkprirode-una.org

The founders of the Nature Park “Una” Novi Grad are: Novi Grad Municipality, Krupa na Uni Municipality, Kostajnica Municipality, and Municipality of Kozarska Dubica. The Una Nature Park is located in the northwest of Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and spans the territory of the municipalities of Krupa na Uni, Novi Grad, Kostajnica, and Kozarska Dubica.

The protected area covers a total area of ​​2.772,60 hectares. The lowest altitude is 94 meters above sea level, while the highest point is at 135 meters above sea level.

Selective and limited use of natural resources, controlled interventions, and activities that are in line with the functions of the protected natural asset are permitted in the Nature Park.

The area is characterized by specific geological and hydrological phenomena as well as exceptional biological diversity, manifested through floristic, faunistic, and ecosystem values.

The Una Valley has long been known for the occurrences of large masses of tufa (travertine). The entire course of the Una River is characterized by its longitudinal profile in steps, which is conditioned by the cascading appearances of tufa alternating with flat and calm parts of the flow. According to Matoničkin and Pavletić (1963), four types of tufa formations can be distinguished in the Una River. The most common are small barriers with heights ranging from 0,5 to 1,5 meters, which are characteristic of this area as they show a specific structure and somewhat differ from all formations in other rivers in our country.

A particular value of the researched area is the habitats of numerous fish species. The morphology of the Una allows for the observation of many different fish species in one place. As many as 39 different fish species have been identified in the Una River, which certainly ranks it among the richest rivers in our country.

The third specificity of the “Una” Nature Park is its unique landscapes. The area is characterized by a mosaic of natural preserved habitats, partially altered and those resulting from anthropogenic influences. The emerald Una River, along with a series of hydrological, geomorphological, and other phenomena, including many tufa forms, rapids, waterfalls, river islands, and lakes, as well as unbroken riparian vegetation, and settlements on its banks, make this protected area unique.

The Republic Hydro-Meteorological Service is a republican administrative organization within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management of the Republic of Srpska. It performs professional and other tasks related to the development and functioning of hydrological, meteorological, and seismological activities. These tasks include researching the atmosphere, water resources, air, and water quality, as well as seismic processes. Additionally, the service collects, processes, and publishes hydro-meteorological and seismological data relevant to the Republic of Srpska and performs other duties in the field of hydrology, meteorology, and seismology.

Data from the Republic Hydro-Meteorological Service can be accessed at the following link: https://rhmzrs.com/



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Purple Air sensors continuously measure air quality. They are recommended by domestic and international experts, and measurement results are available in real-time on the PurpleAir  website according to the Air Quality Index, which monitors the concentration of pollutants PM 2.5 and PM 10.

The Air Quality Index measures values from 0 to 500, where different colors indicate the level of pollution – 0 is green, 500 is red. Above 70 is uncomfortable, around 150 is worrying, 250 is alarming, and anything above that requires specific measures to be taken.