Location conditions are technical expert documents that determine the conditions for planning and construction. They are prepared based on the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska” No. 40/13, 02/15, 106/15, 3/16, 104/18, and 84/19), special laws, and regulations adopted on the basis of these laws, as well as spatial planning documents.
The following documents need to be submitted with the request for location conditions:
Copy of the ID card,
Copy of the cadastral plan with identification, not older than 6 months, or updated geodetic base for proposed routes for infrastructure linear communal objects (original),
Proof of ownership or land use rights for objects according to Article 78 of the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction (wooden sheds, garages, canopies, greenhouses, awnings, advertising panels, septic tanks, containers, etc.) – not older than 6 months (original),
Urban-technical conditions (original),
Description of the object (horizontal, vertical dimensions, purpose of the object, or conceptual solution) (original),
Approvals for the location of the object specified in the urban-technical conditions based on special laws depending on the type and purpose of the object (communal enterprises managing communal infrastructure, public enterprises managing public infrastructure, etc.), if such approvals are not included in the urban-technical conditions (copy).
Proof of payment for the costs of administrative proceedings (original),
Tax card (original),
Proof of payment of a 20,00 KM municipal administrative fee (original).
The basis for issuing location conditions are: zoning plan, zoning plan for areas of special use, regulatory plan, urban planning project, and parceling plan.
Location conditions consist of a certified excerpt from the implemented spatial planning document and urban-technical conditions (if the area of future construction is covered by an implemented spatial planning document), or an excerpt from the valid available spatial planning document, expert opinion, urban-technical conditions, and a statement from the owner of adjacent objects and parcels (if the area of future construction is not covered by an implemented spatial planning document).
For individual residential and residential-commercial objects with a gross construction area less than 400 m2, except for complex objects under the law, built in an area covered by an implemented spatial planning document or in non-urban areas, location conditions are not required for obtaining a building permit.
The preparation and creation of urban-technical conditions are entrusted to a legal entity with the appropriate license for creating spatial planning documents. Exceptionally, for the construction or reconstruction of individual residential and residential-commercial objects up to 400 m2, as well as for the construction of objects that do not require a building permit, the Department for Spatial Planning and Housing-Communal Affairs may prepare and create urban-technical conditions.
Location conditions are issued within 15 days from the date of receiving a complete request.
Location conditions are valid until the modification of the existing, or the adoption of a new plan. If, within one year from the date of issuance of location conditions, the investor does not submit a request for building approval, they are obliged to seek a certificate that the issued location conditions have not changed before submitting the request.
Location conditions are not required for maintenance works on existing objects and for the adaptation of objects.
Address: Petra Kočića 2, 79220 Novi Grad
Telephone: +387 52 720 467;
E-mail: urbanizam@opstina-novigrad.com
Website: www.opstina-novigrad.com