
Municipality of Novi Grad is situated in the northwestern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the beautiful riverbanks of Una and Sana, beneath the mountain slopes of Kozara and Grmeč. The city is well connected with CEFTA region offering duty free access to multimillion markets. It borders with Republic of Croatia, on the South-East border of the European Union.
Even though Novi Grad is relatively far from the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo (320 km), it is still well connected with Central Bosnia and its surroundings through network of roads and highways. The closest big cities are Banja Luka (89 km) and capital of Republic of Croatia, Zagreb (135 km).
Distance between Novi Grad and Slovenian border is 140 km, Austrian border 246 km, Hungarian border 220 km. Novi Grad is also connected with the rest of B&H and North Croatia, as well as Central Dalmatia and ports at the Adriatic Sea through railroads.
The nearest international airports are located in Banja Luka (driving time: 1 hour), Zagreb (driving time: 2,5 hours ), Split (driving time: 5 hours), Sarajevo (driving time: 5 hours) and Belgrade (driving time: 4 hours).